OK... in 10 minutes this will be funny...RIGHT NOW it's not...
Before you read the transcript below you need to know that I USED to be a total stickler about bedtime. Ben and I believed firmly in letting babies "cry it out" and all 3 of the kids were sleeping through the night by 12 weeks. But now that there are 6
babies bedtimes are not so strict and not so structured and at times are downright chaotic.
On a GOOD night we say prayers as a family (all cuddled in my bed) then send the kids to bed to read.
Tonight is NOT A GOOD NIGHT!
Ben is tired (he has had 6am basketball practice all week). Lilly is worn out and recovering from a tiny cold. Joseph is cranky (too little activity for his growing body) and Danny and Jacob have been banned from the Wii for not putting the games away properly. Marti is missing basketball practice and wanting more computer time. So... everyone is a little off.
So here is a slightly edited version of bedtime.
Ben: Girls (Lilly and Addy) go to bed.
Lilly: We didn't pray.
Addy: I am thirsty
Danny: (Whispering to Jacob) Ha! The girls are going to bed we can read.
Joseph and I are trying to play this Wii game my sister left - Raving Rabbit or something like that. So 5 minutes later (when I think the girls are in bed) I feel breathing on my head and realize that Lilly is still there and Addy is watching from the stairs.
Me: Girls GO TO BED!
Girls: We didn't pray. I am thirsty. Will you tuck us in? Can we read? We didn't brush our teeth.
Ben: Girls get up here!!!!!!!!!!!!
Girls go upstairs. I hear praying.
Joseph and I keep playing (we are bonding).
Addy comes back down to tell me she has had a bad dream (she has been gone for 2 minutes).
Ben yells for Addy to come back.
We need Ben's help to 'throw the cow' on the Raving Rabbit game.
Ben comes downstairs... followed by Addy, Lilly, Danny and Jacob.
We all laugh at Ben while he tries to 'throw Daisy 60 meters'.
The girls go back upstairs. The boys go back upstairs.
Addy comes back downstairs to get water and spills Danny's juice all over the counter.
I tuck the girls in and come downstairs to blog.
Joseph yells that he is victorious in 'throwing Daisy'
Uh Oh... the girls are crying about something... I gotta go.