"'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'"
Jeremiah 29:11

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Contentment... seriously random thoughts.

I pray about contentment a lot.

Lord, help me to love my house. Lord, help me to stop wanting an iPhone. Lord, thank you for this body you gave me but help me to NOT be content with the way I have been treating it (I need to lose 40lbs if you were wondering). Today I found this thing called the BodyBug or something like that... it tracks your calories eaten and burned and looks really cool. Lord, help me stop thinking that it is so cool. Lord, help me to remember that in Ethiopia they don't have washing machines. Help me to be content with 1 washer and dryer and stop wanting another one.

If I stop and think about the streets of Ethiopia -- I am ashamed. Really. Sometimes I choose not to stop and think. Sometimes I purposely keep right on dreaming about the things I want or think I need.

But today I will remember the little kids who were begging on the streets. Kids who would be whisked to foster homes if they showed up on the streets looking like "that". Today I will also remember the mom who kept shoving her hands in the window of our car wanting food to feed her tiny tiny tiny baby who looked like it was barely alive.

Today I will remember that my kids had never owned a TV or an extra pair of shoes 1 year ago. So today I will stop and be thankful. Thankful for my fabulous house where I always know if someone is pouting or being ornery -- because it is so small, I can hear EVERYTHING! Thankful for the body God gave me and I will start treating it better so that someday my gorgeous grandchildren can climb on my lap. I will stop caring about the stupid iPhone (I actually may need prayer to help me get over that one :)) and be thankful that my kids know my cell number and call it constantly.

I will continue to pray for contentment and all the while thank God for HIS amazing blessings.


Kurt and Kayla said...

I totally relate. What is it about the iphone? I think more people (including myself) covet over that thing! I also have had to let it go. I also remind myself daily that I am thankful for my 1800 sq ft house and WILL be content in it if we stay here forever even if most Americans think it's too small for 8 people.

Kelly H-Y said...

Such a great post and so very true!