- Do NOT under any circumstances point out jeans that you "the mom" thinks are cute.
- When you say, "No, you can't have those jeans. I will not buy jeans with holes already in them." Do it QUIETLY so all the other people in "JeanLand" don't laugh.
- When finding jeans that are acceptable to both parties, hide the ones that cost $30.
I did survive. I am wiser for the experience.
I am also considering sending Ben next time. But I am pretty sure that one or both will not survive if I did send them together.
I would like to thank all of you who have saved me from this experience any earlier. Hand me downs are truly a gift. They kept me out of the mall and Marti under the assumption that all clothes came from a bag from your mom's car.
I used to think I was "cool".
I am now painfully aware that I am most definately NOT COOL